Monday, April 15, 2013


Spring time here in the mid-west is always interesting.  We can get storms that dump several inches of rain in a short time to tornado's or maybe no rain at all.  This year however, it's been all rain and a few severe storms which brought ping-pong size hail and high winds and more storms are in the for-cast for the next week or so. While I'm not sure any farmers in the area planted corn, some farmers just west of us about 40 miles are planting or done! Crazy eh?

So, what do farmers do when the ground stays wet for weeks on end? That is a good question. Equipment always needs attention; some needs wiring re-done, tires adjusted, accessories built, or maybe just a good bath. We have been doing all those things along with with cleaning up around the shop and barns and finalizing reports. 

We have the liquid applicator ready to go after replacing all gauge assemblies, all jets, 20 feet of hose, lots of little pieces, and bending most of the jet assembly arms. The nurse tank for the applicator is completed and pump has been mounted and ready to go.

Due to the fields being so wet and needing to place herbicide and pesticide to our wheat acres, we had some airplanes fly on the chemicals for us. It's pretty cool to see the pilot dive past the power lines and spray the field only to raise the plane up just before the treeline!

The planter is ready to plant our tilled acres then it will come back to the shop where a different style of closing wheel will be installed that will help close the seed trench while maintaining a light, fluffy soil but minimizing soil loss.   
Hopefully, our next blog will show tillage, liquid N application, and of course corn planting!

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