Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ag Connect Expo.

With all the farm shows and trade shows in the world of Agriculture, one thing is lacking: training.  Sure, we have the internet and online classes along with dealerships which help us understand and prepare for the year ahead, but what about the big picture? What about the different things we as producers could and should do to help not only our operation but also the world? After all, we do feed, clothe, and supply the world. That's where Ag Connect Expo comes in. It's not just a farm show; it's a training opportunity.  With over 20 advanced classes and tons of smaller classes and workshops, you're sure to learn something.

Both Jerry and Michael attended classes all three days of the Expo. These classes included: Advanced marketing, Planter set-up, Corn clinic, Managing cattle for profit, Using cover crops, and Managing farm data.  Though the Expo is rather high in price, the rewards and returns are great.  The teachers are all experts in their areas and bring valuable information to the table. We had a great time learning, networking, and obtaining answers to questions we had. 
Here is Michael looking over a Kinze planter unit prior to the planter clinic.

Michael was chosen to be part of a small group of producers from different parts of the U.S. to give advice on future Ag Connect Expos and speak of their own farming operation to other producers within the group. "Overall, it went very well," said Michael. "Our Facebook, Youtube, and Blog were brought up several times in the group, and others showed interest in doing their own social media for their operations."  Michael also said, "There were good things about the Expo, such as small class sizes, high quality of education, and the ability to see first hand new equipment, not only from U.S. companies, but also from companies overseas who are expanding their brands to the U.S. We had some concerns, such as parking, future classes, location, timing, and lack of cattle/ranching courses."

"We want this Expo to be all about you (producers)" stated Steve Suhm, Marketing Manager for the Expo.  "If we can't meet your needs, what the point of having it?" he added.  Michael said that the managers were all open to new ideas and welcomed the feedback.  "They brought up some new things that producers may see in the next Expo and gathered new ideas from the producers as well." 

After three solid days of classes, it was time to head upstairs to the showroom.  New items from around the world were showcased, and some even made their first public showing.   Here are some pictures:

While it is only the third year for Ag Connect Expo, the amount of equipment, dealers, and products (over 400) was amazing.  The high quality of education that we received was very valuable, and we look forward to attending the Expo in the future.  

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